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Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Student Course

This course is designed to establish management of priorities in a trauma situation. You should be able to demonstrate skills within a given simulated clinical and surgical skills practicum, which are often required in the initial assessment and treatment of the trauma patient with multiple injuries. This is a course for new ATLS Students, this is not a refresher course or an Instructor Course. Due to the fast paced, complex nature of this course, the American College of Surgeons dictates that you must be present for the entire course, you should have no clinical responsibilities, not be on-call, and be on time each day. The use of cell phones and laptops will be discouraged.

Orlando Health Regional Medical Center
89 W. Copeland
Simulation Lab
Orlando, FL 32806
Must be a Physician, Advanced Practice Provider or a Resident.
Krista Card

Instructor's Contact Information
Email Address: r-atls@orlandohealth.com

Cancellation Policy:
Please call (321) 841-6582 to cancel if unable to attend.

Please click on a date below to register for your desired class.